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Lyndhurst Infant School

Lyndhurst Infant School

Uniform and Shop


The school colour is navy blue.

Please see the price list below and visit the school office to purchase or for further information. You can also order any of the items through the MCAS app.


Prices are as follows:

  • Sweatshirts with school logo* - £10.75 - Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10
  • Cardigans with school logo* - £11.25 - Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10  
  • Blue Polo Shirts with school logo* - £6.25 - Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10
  • PE T-Shirts with school logo* - £5.75 - Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10
  • Hoodies with school logo* - £12.25 - Age 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10
  • Book Bags* - £7.00
  • Water Bottle - £2.00

We have introduced an active uniform for children in Year R and Year 1 (this will be extended to all year groups form September 2023), which includes navy tracksuit bottoms or navy shorts in warmer weather and sturdy trainers.  This active uniform is to reflect our active curriculum, including Forest and Beach schools, outside P.E. and messy play.  If you would prefer your child to wear a grey/navy skirt or grey/black trousers, they may do so.  Blue and white checked Summer dresses can also be worn.

P.E. Wear

Due to our active uniform, there is no need to purchase alternative P.E. wear for Reception or Year 1.  However, if your child chooses to wear traditional uniform of skirt/trousers/Summer dress (or are currently in Year 2), they will need navy or black P.E. shorts, a school embroidered navy blue t-shirt* or plain white t-shirt, and plimsolls/trainers, which should be worn to school on P.E.days.  When children do outdoor games, they can wear a tracksuit.

* PLEASE NOTE - There is no requirement to purchase uniform items with school logos.  Alternative generic items without a logo can be purchased from any supermarket.


Certificate Folders


We are pleased to be able to offer handy certificate folders for your child’s certificates and awards for just £5.50. The folders contain 20 pockets allowing for up to 40 certificates and will be personalised with your child’s name and school photo. A sample of the folder can be viewed at the school office.


If you wish to purchase a folder simply download the form at the bottom of this page or ask for an order form at the school office. Payments can be made via cash/credit card or School Money. 



Pencil Cases

We have pencil cases for sale at £5.50 each containing the essential items pupils use in class. Pencil cases contain:

Pencil Case, HB Pencil X2, Pencil Sharpener, Eraser, Writing Pen *KS1/EY X2, Purple Correcting Pen, Glue Stick, Ruler, Dry Wipe Pen.

*Writing pens are specific to EY and KS1 children. Please specify which year group you require when ordering.

To order please download a form at the bottom of this page or call in at our school office. 

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