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Lyndhurst Infant School

Lyndhurst Infant School

Sports Funding 2020

Sports Funding 2020 - 2021

Lyndhurst Infant School has a Platinum Plus"Quality Start" recognition award! This is the highest award given to schools that meet a criteria of children participating in two hours of PE a week and at least

The Government has provided us with £18,090 in additional funding to improve the provision of physical education (P.E) and sports in primary school.  

Click here to see our plans and how we will evidence the impact of our spending. 

Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but we have the freedom to choose how to do this. 

Our current P.E provision provides children with two sessions (2 hours) of taught physical education lessons per week – one indoor and one outdoor. Due to the pandemic P.E. sessions have taken place outside for the majority of this year.  PE sessions currently follow the Activ8 scheme of work to ensure coverage, progression and extension for higher attaining children.    

We also promote healthy active lifestyle through our daily Lyndhurst Laps where every child in the school goes outside to run each day. Pre-pandemic we took part in all locality sports competitions and two inclusion competitions each year and intend to fully participate in local competitions as soon as restrictions allow.

In the summer term we were very excited to welcome back Kerry from Wannado Street Dance who taught Years 1 and 2 providing them with an exciting and engaging experience building their self-esteem and emotional well-being.

Due to the pandemic we have been unable to have many external providers into school but we have been busy ensuring that the children will receive positive experiences of sport and physical activity when restrictions allow in the next academic year. All classes will have the opportunity to work with external sports coaches again, enabling the children to try a range of sport and game activities to broaden their experiences and skills. This initiative will not only develop the children’s skills but also provide professional development for the teachers and teaching assistants through team teaching.  We can then ensure that the use of the money is sustainable.  We will measure the impact of this initiative on the children’s learning and progress, and collect a variety of qualitative and quantitative evidence.

Click here to see our LTP for PE in our school. 

Our midday meals supervisors are trained as Play Leaders and instigate a range of physical activities at playtime (e.g. Football, dance, hurdles, basketball and crazy golf). 


Forest schools and Beach schools

We provide outdoor learning opportunities with our Forest school and Beach school activities. Our children have the opportunity to take part in forest schools in our school grounds and beach schools at Worthing beach. We have a trained Level 3 Forest school practitioner on our staff team and this year have used some of our funding to provide all of the children with regular led sessions that have had a positive impact on mental well-being.

We have members of staff who are trained in delivering Beach school sessions and we regularly provide opportunities for the children to visit the beach. These sessions are sometimes for whole classes and sometimes for certain children. We feel it is important for children to experience the beach all year round and take them there during the winter as well as in the summer months.

All Year groups visit the beach and we regularly have the Marine Conservation Society and Sussex Wildlife Trust in to teach children about the classification of beach wildlife and plants and how to be respectful of the environment.

Jump Start Jonny

In November 2014 we began using Jump Start Jonny daily in school. This is a website of exercise routines to popular music, with heart pumping and cool down routines as well as designed to be used in the classroom. It has been an invaluable resource during this year allowing the children to have fun exercising as part of their day in school and whilst learning at home.  

The children can access Jonny's routines from home and get the whole family joining in!

After School clubs

We have a range of after school clubs which provide opportunities for the following activities: 

  • Football (Chelsea Football in the community) x2 clubs 
  • Archery club
  • Dance (Solitaire School of Dance)
  • Karate (Sama Karate organisation)
  • Go Wild
  • Groovy gardening

We have also funded places on these clubs in order to encourage certain children to develop a healthy lifestyle. 


Artsmark SilverAutism AwarenessBasic Skills Operation EncompassTES Pupil PremiumRights Respecting SchoolsSainsburys GamesQuality StartHealthy SchoolsLetters and SoundsPrimary Geography Quailty Gold AwardMusic MarkModeshift StarsFood Waste