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Lyndhurst Infant School

Lyndhurst Infant School

Rights Respecting Schools

 We were awarded our Level 1 Silver Rights Respecting Schools award in July 2017 and we are now working towards Level 2 gold award.

Each class has made their own charters based on UNICEF’s Rights which all children sign up to at the beginning of the school year.

There are 54 articles (rights) in the UN convention of children's rights. Click here to read them all.  We have decided to focus on the children learning 3 of them this year. 

We have some friends in school!

As part of our Rights Respecting Schools work we have introduced 5 characters to help us to learn our rights.

 Learning Lobster

I have the right to learn and use and develop my talents and abilities.  I should learn to protect our environment (Article 29)


 Respectful Ray

I have the right to give my opinion, and for adults to listen and take it seriously.  (Article 12)


 Safety Seal

I have the right to clean water, healthy food and a safe place to play (Article 24)


 Playful Prawn

I have the right to play and rest. (Article 31)


 Equality Eel

I have the right to be treated fairly.  (Article 2)

The children receive sea creature stickers for respecting others' rights and certificates are awarded in assembly each Friday.

If you have any questions about our Rights Respecting Schools work then please see Mrs Davy (Deputy Head Teacher)

Anti-Bullying / Keeping Safe week - Click Here to read more

Please click on the links to websites below for more information:

Artsmark SilverAutism AwarenessBasic Skills Operation EncompassTES Pupil PremiumRights Respecting SchoolsSainsburys GamesQuality StartHealthy SchoolsLetters and SoundsPrimary Geography Quailty Gold AwardMusic MarkModeshift StarsFood Waste