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Lyndhurst Infant School

Lyndhurst Infant School

Pupil Premium Expenditure

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is funding provided to schools that is in addition to main school funding. It is allocated according to the number of pupils on roll who have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point in the previous 6 years (referred to as Ever 6). In 2019-2020 funding is £1320 per eligible child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

A smaller amount is allocated according to the number of children with parents in the regular armed forces (in 2019-2020 this is £300). Children will receive this premium if they have been a service family within the last 5 years, for the purposes of this grant, the pupil is recorded as an 'Ever 5 Service Child'.

From July 2014 all children adopted from care in England are eligible for Pupil Premium Plus to tackle disadvantage and to close the attainment gap. Schools will receive £1900 for each looked after child (LAC) who has been looked after for 1 day or more. A child will be recorded as eligible when a parent/guardian of the child has informed the school that the child has been adopted from care or has left care under a Special Guardianship or Residence Order.

DfE will allocate to schools and LAs a provisional amount of £1,900 per child looked after for at least one day as recorded in the March 2014 children looked-after data return (SSDA903) and aged 4 to 15 at 31 August 2013.  DfE will update and finalise this allocation in December 2015 based on the number of children looked after for at least one day as recorded in the March 2015 children looked-after data return (SSDA903) and aged 4 to 15 at 31 August 2014.

It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium is spent, whether on individuals or as groups, since they are best placed to assess what additional provision should be made in order to increase attainment and “narrow the gap” between these children and their non-PP/PP+ peers. However, schools are held accountable for how they use the additional funding to support pupils and from September 2012, the information regarding how we are spending the Pupil Premium and the impact that it is having is published on our school website.

Please CLICK HERE to read our action plan and strategy for 2023-2024

Please CLICK HERE to read our action plan and strategy for 2022-2023

Please CLICK HERE to read our action plan and strategy for 2021-2022

Our Pupil Premium Working Party includes members of the Leadership Team and the Governing Body. We meet regularly to evaluate the initiatives on our action plan and plan our budget effectively:


Artsmark SilverAutism AwarenessBasic Skills Operation EncompassTES Pupil PremiumRights Respecting SchoolsSainsburys GamesQuality StartHealthy SchoolsLetters and SoundsPrimary Geography Quailty Gold AwardMusic MarkModeshift StarsFood Waste