Hot Meals - ParentPay Ordering
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
All children have the opportunity to have a hot cooked meal in school.
These meals are provided daily by Chartwells and are healthy, tasty, social and fun. Meat and vegetarian options are available every day, and we can cater for children who have other dietary requirements where a menu is agreed in advance. This can include religious, cultural or allergy and/or intolerance diets.
All pupils in Early Years and Key Stage One (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to free school meals, however, parents/carers still need to order them via ParentPay. If you qualify for Free School Meals you still need to order lunches via ParentPay.
Using ParentPay you are able to pick a specific meal for your child from a selection, for each day your child eats. Please have a conversation with your child to ensure that the selections are for meals that your child will eat. You have the option on ParentPay to change selected meals (within specified timescales) if you find that your child does not like them.
You will be sent an activation code to create your ParentPay account. There is lots of information on our website to help you get started. (\Useful Information\Hot Meals - ParentPay Ordering)
Please refer to the cut-off dates on our website for ordering deadlines. Orders must be placed no later than 23:59 on the Thursday 10 Days before the week of the menu.
When booking your child’s hot meal through ParentPay, please do not book a “Chartwells Trip Lunch” instead of a hot lunch. This is only an option if your child is out of school on a school trip and does not mean that your child will get a packed lunch provided at school.
If you prefer, children may instead bring in their own packed lunch which they can eat in the school hall. We have children in school who are allergic to nuts, so we do not accept any food containing nuts, nut products or sandwiches made with nut butter in school.
As a school we promote healthy eating and would see the benefits of children being able to sit down to a hot, healthy lunch with their friends every day.
If you have any specific questions or concerns, you can contact Chartwells directly by email: or by telephone: 0800 917 6818.
If you have any issues regarding the ordering of meals through ParentPay, please email
How to Book a Meal