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Lyndhurst Infant School

Lyndhurst Infant School

Family Engagement

 My name is Kim Halford and I am the Family Engagement Support Officer for Lyndhurst Infant School.

I have thirty years experience of working with families in various settings. I am a qualified Nursery Nurse with a BSc degree in Social Sciences. My chosen topics included Psychology, Sociology and the management of stress and anxiety. I have an AQA in counselling skills and consider myself a good listener. I am here to help you and your child through your Lyndhurst School journey.

My job is wide and varied so if you feel you are in need of a listening ear or would like to know more about how our school works, come and see me. I liaise with outside agencies in order to provide a tailor made service. 

You will find me on the main gate in the mornings and around the school perimeters at the end of the school day. You can ask for me at the school office or simply call. I will be delighted to hear from you.


"I can see a difference in the children's behaviour as well as mine already"

"Thank you for helping us it really means a lot"

"My child now walks straight to her classroom, says "goodbye" and no crying anymore"

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