Admissions to Lyndhurst Infant School are decided by the Local Authority on behalf of the Headteacher. All parents apply to the Admissions Team who will determine the result of the application.
Applications should be made to:
Admissions Team
Education Office (South)
Centenary House,
Durrington Lane Worthing,
West Sussex
BN13 2QB
Telephone: 03330 142903
or click on the link to apply online
Children are admitted as follows:
Children are able to start school in the academic year in which they become five.
Parents who wish to defer their child's admission until the term in which they have have their fifth birthday should indicate their preference in writing to the Local Authority, in order that a place is reserved.
Parents are very welcome to look around the school. Please telephone (01903 235390) or e-mail ( for an appointment with the Headteacher.
Meetings are arranged for parents and children starting school in the term before they are admitted.
We organise group visits to school in the term before starting so that your child can meet his/her teacher before he/she joins us.